Thank you for your feedback and suggestions! Below are just some recently implemented changes to our website and service.
• Candidate RESUMES:
In addition to our 2 page Candidate Profile, Nemnet now enables Job Seekers the ability to upload their resume and other supportive documents to our website. With a click of a button you can now have access to their Profile, Resume, References, Transcripts and more.
• Enhanced Job preview
Ability to view and or store jobs before posting live to website.
• Standardizing Job Postings
Job Description/Responsibilities, Minimum Degree, Qualifications, Deadline, and Contact Info are now required fields for all listings. Standardizing all job postings.
• Enhanced Candidate Referral Service
The Candidate Referral Email now includes a Short List of all qualified job seekers for your newly posted position announcement. This includes: Candidate Name, ID number, email address, degree, and years of experience.
• Improvement to Manage Jobs Function
You now have the ability to view, select, edit, store and delete one or more job postings
• Nemnet Education Series:
Once a month Nemnet will share, via video, its insight, experience and strategies. Our goal: To educate and empower those directly responsible for recruitment and retention. If you have 5 minutes . . . we will teach you how to cast a broader net!
• Nemnet Diversity Institute for Independent School Leadership: [nDIISL]
Launched in 2013, the Nemnet DIISL is a 1-day, 3 hr training workshop for School Heads and Board Members only. Want to improve your current recruitment and retention efforts, register today!
• Nemnet Mobile APP 2.0!
Last year, Nemnet launched the first comprehensive Diversity Employment Mobile Application for schools. As a result, Job Seekers are able to receive your job postings whenever and wherever they are, directly through their smart phones. They have the ability to search, save and share your job postings with their peers via Facebook, Twitter and Text. In addition, Job Seekers also have the ability to apply for your jobs directly from their phone, increasing the time it takes for job seekers and employers to connect. All this means increased visibility and exposure for your job opportunities. This fall Nemnet will launch the Droid version just in time for the hiring season!
Click here to download or learn more:
• Nemnet Diversity Achievement Awards [new]
In April, Nemnet will recognize individuals and schools/organizations for their work and contributions to Diversity and Inclusion through multicultural education, recruitment and retention [student and faculty] cultural competency, diversity programs and services.
Awards Categories include:
• Outstanding Teacher of the Year
• Administrator of the Year
• Innovative Program of the Year, and
• School of the Year
To nominate or learn more:
• Mark OUR Calendar!
As part of your membership, In addition to posting your job opportunities, you can now post and promote your Open Houses, Recruiting Events and Special Programs, for FREE! on
Post your Event Today:
More to Come!