NEMNET - Job Seeker Information

I wanted you to know that I accepted a job offer from The Whittle School today. Thank you for all your help and I really could not have done this without you. I found out about Whittle School through NEMNET and met them for the position for the first time. . .

- Syed Amir Raza

Step #1

Create Your Nemnet Profile

COMPLETE the Online Application [it's free]. When done, you will have access to all of our resources including jobs, career fairs, resume samples and more. THEN download our Mobile App and you will be able to view & apply for jobs on the go!

iTunes Mobile App 

Droid Mobile App 

Step #2

Search our National Job Board and view over 2000 Jobs in Education


Once you are a Member, you can Search our national job board and view jobs by Type or Location. Receive job real time job alerts via email. See something of interest and you can even Apply right online with 1-Click!

Step #3

Register for one [or more] of our [5] Regional Diversity Career Fairs


Each year Nemnet sponsors 5 regional Diversity Career Fairs for Educators that provide job seekers an opportunity to meet and interview with over 350 employers from all over the United States. REGISTER TODAY!

Step #4

Connect and Network with your Peers


Join us on FACEBOOK . . . and be sure to follow us on TWITTER. . . it is a great way to connect and network with your peers.

Step #5

Get Advice, Support & Consultation


Does your RESUME need a Makeover? Are you nervous about an upcoming INTERVIEW? Wondering what typical SALARY RANGES are? Rest easy! We are here to assist you throughout the entire job search process. Visit our Job Seeker RESOURCE CENTER for Advice, Tips and Strategies.

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