The achievement gap is closed through rigorous, well-planned instruction. African American boys are capable of academic excellence when provided extraordinary teachers and a strong, achievement oriented school culture.Well-defined structures, consistent expectations for academic excellence will transform boys’ lives. Do you believe that African American boys are capable of academic excellence when provided extraordinary teachers and a strong, achievement oriented school culture? Do you believe a school organized around well-defined structures, consistent expectations for academic and intellectual excellence will transform an inner city boy’s life? Have you closed the achievement gap through rigorous, well-planned instruction? We are looking for you! The Septima Clark Public Charter School is the first public charter school for boys in Washington, DC. The school is built on the No Excuses philosophy. Schools created around a culture of achievement and excellence ensure that the most under-served children are competent, capable, and competitive. A No Excuses school is built by people with a sharp focus on academic achievement, commitment to work hard, and an unrelenting focus on student outcomes. We find joy in excellence!
Our Mission
At the Septima Clark Public Charter School, preschool to eighth grade boys master advanced academic skills and knowledge to compete, achieve, and contribute in academic institutions of distinction.