To develop students who are competent and creative thinkers, curious and confident learners, and compassionate citizens.
Academic Excellence and Rigor
Inclusive and Engaged Community
Respectful and Responsible Relationships
Continuous Reflection and Improvement
Goal 1: All Canton staff will individually and collectively use data to intentionally and strategically plan for and respond to students’ academic, social, and emotional needs.
Goal 2: The Canton Educator Evaluation process will promote reflection through continuous conversations about teaching and learning that include both celebrations and opportunities for growth.
Goal 3: All Canton staff will hold every student in high esteem and respond to their individual strengths, challenges, and identities, thus empowering them to thrive academically,emotionally, and socially.
Goal 4: All Canton staff will increase their instructional capacity to create a classroom,school, and district culture that promotes social and emotional learning, thus enabling every student access to the curriculum and the development of community citizenship.