Paideia is an independent pre K-12 college preparatory school inthe Emory University area of Atlanta. The high school enrolls approximately 420students. The high school curriculum consists of extensive offerings inEnglish, social sciences, mathematics, foreign languages, natural and physicalsciences, art and music. Classsize averages fifteen students.
The role of the faculty is to help students acquire the skills,information, and attitudes that will enable them to have productive andsatisfying lives. Social and personal skills are cultivated, and studentresponsibility is emphasized. While academic achievements will vary because ofdifferences in abilities and interests, all students are expected to work hard,complete tasks, and participate fully in the academic program.
The academic year is divided into two semesters (Long Terms I andII) of approximately 15 weeks each and two short terms (A and B), each fourweeks long. Seniors do not attend regular classes during Term B, but have aspecial senior term before graduation. During the long terms, students attendsix fifty minute classes covering the traditional disciplines.
The short terms are designed to allow intensive study in aparticular area of the curriculum. There is a rich range of elective coursesoffered, and students also have the opportunity to perform in the annualfull-scale musical production or to fulfill their off-campus community serviceinternship requirement.
High school teachers teach four classes during the school daywhich goes from 8:30 AM until 3:10 PM. This position includes teaching four sections of biology. The biology offerings includeIntroductory Biology taught to all freshmen, and upper level choicesincluding: Anatomy and Physiology,Bio 2 Honors, AP Environmental Science, and AP Biology
Other responsibilities include academic advising of 10-12 studentsand weekly faculty meetings. Faculty may also choose to act as a club orstudent activity sponsor or coach a sports team.