Founded in 1973, The Learning Project Elementary School is an independent,co-educational day school for grades K-6. Located in downtown Boston, we strive to be an inclusive and diverse school community and we seek faculty and students of diverse backgrounds, abilities, and interests.
The school’s small size--one class per grade and an overall enrollment of 118 children—allows all adults and children in the community to know one another, provides frequent opportunities for cross age interaction among the children, and supports a strong sense of community. The whole school meets together twice a week.
The school’s academic program is built around a well documented, orderly, andchallenging core curriculum and teachers who have strong pedagogical skills, an understanding of child development, and the ability to discern and respond to group and individual needs. Lessons begin with traditional direct instruction and move through guided and independent practice, frequently culminating with independent creative projects. Substantial individual attention is possible because of a student to teacher ratio of 6:1. In addition to language arts and mathematics, very child has lessons several times a week with separate faculty in Spanish, art, music, physical education and science.
Several beliefs lie at the core of the school's philosophy and give shape to all that it does: the belief in the power of small, vibrant institutions to respond efficiently and humanely to large challenges; the belief in the effectiveness of a highly organized core curriculum; the belief in the importance of providing young children challenging and creative opportunities to apply and extend their knowledge; the belief in simplicity, hard work and attention to detail; the belief in the importance of diversity and community; the belief in individual accountability; the belief in the centrality of mutual respect, honesty, and courtesy in relationships; and the belief that a school’s overarching task is to help children grow as confident, kind and competent individuals.
While the school deliberately keeps its tuition relatively low and its financial aid budget relatively high in order to promote student diversity, it is also pays top independent school salaries to its faculty and provides highly competitive benefits.
For more information about the school, please go to: