&The Independent Day School is a Pre-K – Grade 8 school located in central Connecticut (30 minutes from New Haven, 30 minutes from Hartford). Founded in 1961 by families associated with Wesleyan University and Choate, IDS has a long tradition of innovative, student-centered education focused on academic excellence and social-emotional learning. Recent curriculum study, the development of a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Task Force, a strong focus on incorporating social-emotional learning, and connection to current issues such as environmental literacy, global citizenship and cultural studies, and design thinking and entrepreneurship have provided faculty and administrators with new frameworks for program advancement. &&
Quick facts about IDS&&
&Co-ed, non-profit, non-sectarian day school&&&
&Student enrollment for 2020-21: 136&&&
&Students come to IDS from 29 Connecticut cities and towns&&&
&Dedicated, highly educated faculty&&&
&Students of color represent 25% of the enrollment&&&
&33 acres of woodlands, wetlands, fields, and gardens&&&
&Parent participation is encouraged&&&
&25 minutes from Hartford and New Haven&&&
&History of IDS: &&&https://www.independentdayschool.org/history&&&&
&Academic Program&&: &&&https://www.independentdayschool.org/academics&&&&
&Welcome to IDS&&: &&&https://www.independentdayschool.org/RelId/606458/ISvars/default/Current_Families.htm&&&