JCHS is a unique college preparatory high school committed to integrating deep learning, universal wisdom, and Jewish values.
Deep learning: Learning that is intrinsically motivated and is the result of complex thinking, collaborative practice, integration, and reflection. It is both grounded in concrete knowledge and infinite in application.
Universal wisdom: Wisdom inclusively drawn from across disciplines, cultures, and history–whether secular, religious, or Jewish. Universal wisdom honors diverse viewpoints derived from common values.
Jewish values: Those values that are drawn from, but not necessarily exclusively identified with, the Jewish tradition–a tradition that is diverse and represented by many voices.
The Rabbinic concept of kavod ha’briot, honoring the dignity of every person, is the foundation of JCHS’s approach to inclusion and our deep commitment to social justice education. We are dedicated to supporting positive identity development for every student and fostering respect for the experiences of others. Through formal instruction, spiritual reflection, and student activities, we cultivate a school culture of empathy and principled action.
JCHS is committed to promoting a climate in which each student feels a deep sense of belonging and ownership. We strive to graduate students who are prepared to live and lead in a diverse and complex world.