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University Child Development School
5062 9th Ave NE    
Seattle, Washington  98105  
Private/Independent School
n 5 380 students


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Employer Description
University Child Development School (UCDS) located in Seattle, Washington is an independent school serving 380+ Infant/Toddler, Early Elementary (Preschool, Pre-Kindergarten, and Kindergarten) and Elementary (1st through 5th grade) students. In addition, the UCDS education institution comprises the UCDS Graduate School of Education. UCDS uniquely serves to prepare teachers, educate children, and develop innovations in curriculum and teaching. UCDS's unique design as a place where both teachers and children learn, where early career teachers develop their practice, and where experienced teachers research and design curriculum, gives rise to its innovation.

UCDS traces its roots back over 100 years to the launch of a remarkable nursery program on the campus of the University of Washington and the ensuing decades-long effort that blended innovations in teaching, curriculum design, the study of child development, and teacher preparation. From its early roots, the institution formally recognized that quality teaching and effective learning are inextricably linked, and the current UCDS Mission still guides this multi-sided approach to education.

UCDS encourages students to stretch, reflect, collaborate, and think expansively—enriching their educational growth and ensuring they thrive in school and beyond. We cultivate reflective, collaborative, skillful thinkers who ignite positive change in their communities. From our youngest to our oldest students, we strive to help everyone develop a worldview that identifies, understands, and values diversity in race, culture, gender, religion, ability, and more. 
Diversity Mission Statement
Living in a diverse world presents challenges and joys for our children. We believe each of us is entitled to an equitable and safe environment, which promotes acceptance and appreciation of ourselves as well as others. Our school is a community that strives to lead by example in respecting and affirming the unique qualities of each person. We actively seek individuals from a wide spectrum of backgrounds.

UCDS recognizes that different backgrounds and perspectives can sometimes create tension, but also stimulate growth and new possibilities; we encourage courageous conversation to challenge assumptions and foster greater understanding among people. We value what each of us contributes to the whole and envision our school as a mosaic that reflects the broader community.